A Note from Boat Angel Team Members:
South Carolina is bordered by water, to the East the Atlantic Ocean and famous vacation beaches like Myrtle Beach. Throughout the state there are other many rivers and lakes and ports like Charleston. Lake Marion is the largest of ten significant lakes and there are many marshes and rivers as well.
South Carolina has many recreational boat owners from the Blue Ridge Mountains on down to Hilton Head which is one of the most popular tourist destinations on the Eastern Seaboard. It goes without saying there are a lot of boaters in South Carolinas and there are lots of boats sitting in need of repairs, and just plain someone to either use them or move them.
Some boaters are done with boating and just want to get rid of their boats. Maybe it is an older bass boat or a large sailboat with a broken diesel engine. Other boaters are looking to either upgrade to a larger boat say a sport-fisher or downgrade to a smaller boat maybe even a jet ski for their kids.