A Note from Boat Angel Team Members:
Oklahoma is a state that is bordered on the south by Texas and is connected to the Gulf of Mexico by river. Throughout the state there are many lakes, rivers and boating, fishing are quite popular.
Although there is not a large amount of water in Oklahoma there are unwanted boats lying about. It is not the same as you would find in California, Florida or other states which border the Ocean. Throughout Oklahoma you can visit neighborhoods where you will find unwanted boats parked in back yards some people leave them on trailers parked on their ranch. Some boats, trucks and motorcycles are left unattended in fenced in storage yards, or in gated apartment complexes lots of neglected items are just left on the side of the road. It can grow to be an eyesore. One thing is for sure a neglected motorcyle, pickup truck or boat is an eyesore. It does not take too long for the boat to be eaten by termites ruined by rainfall or snowfall and lose all it's value. Some abandoned boats have even been known to sink causing a big mess for people who live by rivers and private lakes.
Why should we care? Why is this so important to all of us? Boat Angel Outreach Center has experience; an E-Z PROCESS that makes the handling old boats, cars, rvs motorcycles and trucks that are no longer being used a breeze. Fill out a few pieces of paper, and allow the charity to sell your donated item. Someone comes and removes it for free. The donor gets a small tax write-off and the charity gets a fairly substational amount of help to fund their programs.