A Note from Boat Angel Team Members:
The New Jersey Shore famous as a TV show but more famous for the many harbors and boat that lie along the states 130 miles coastline. The unfortunate fact is that many of the towns and harbors are full of boats that no one wants. Sometimes the boats are newer and the donors have just moved on or the children have moved away. Oftentimes the boat have aged and people don't want to keep pouring money into them.
Boat Angel has helped hundreds and hundreds along the Jersey Shore not only say goodbye to their boat but to the bills that go along with boat ownership- repairs, registration, storage fees,.We understand that a boat is like an old friend, fishing trips in the Atlantic cruising, watching 4th of July fireworks but if you are not doing those things with your boat, if you don't have the time and energy to fix it up, sell it thanks for visiting our webpage and considering making a donation.
We promise to do our best to make the experience pleasant and as easy as possible. If you fill out the form below we can get started on your boat donation process. If there is anything you need to know concerning the amount of writeoff you will get as a tax deduction, what paperwork is needed, how to donate a large non running boat with no trailer, please don't hesitate to give us a call. We are in the charity office Monday through Saturday and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have.