A Note from Boat Angel Team Members:
Illinois not only has the beautiful powerful Mississippi river but they have Lake Michigan as well. as well. Illinois is a great spot for boating both in rivers and lakes.
Many people in Illinois enjoy the sport of boating. There are many who do sailing races across Lake Michigan. Some do trick water skiing on the Mississippi on the many smaller lakes, others do sport fishing, bass fishing, and many just like to get out on their pontoon boats with their family. Boat Angel deals with the boaters themselves when they get tired of boating or decide it is just no longer worth the expense. But what then? What happens when the 22' Catalina sailboat is no longer used because the children are off to college? What happens to the pontoon boat when the outboard engine quits working or the pontoon starts to leak. What happens when a donor finds it to expensive to fix the engine in his jet ski?. The boats go into old grain barns, are left in unused garages, some people continue to pay storage units for their boats on the trailers.Throughout Illinois you can find older boats sitting in backyards or driveways. These faithful servants sometimes become eyesores which just get worse year after year. Some people decide to sell their boats other donors do not want to spend the time selling or time showing the boat to potential buyers but they still want to get rid of it they want their garage back. Those people ask Boat Angel to process their boats, cars, trucks, rvs, jetskis and they find that our proven EZ process let's you get rid of your item with no hassle. Working or not working Boat Angel can handle your item. We don't handle is scrap boats boats that have been stripped of all the seats, the engine and are basically just fiberglass hulls. (Call us or send us a photo 1 800 227 2643)