A Note from Boat Angel Team Members:
Everyday for the past ten years people have asked us one of two questions. “How quickly can you move my boat?” “Is my donation tax deductible.” When we are talking to people on the phone or through email, it becomes pretty clear which of these is the real priority. For most potential donors both questions are important.
All boat donations are tax deductible the value of the tax deduction depends on the value of the boat. The IRS even has a donation form just for Boats form 1098C. We have issued many of them. You can be assured when you chose to go with our team to donate your boat we will make sure you get the maximum value afforded to you by law. Now as far as removing the boat from your home or marina is concerned it all depends on the size and working condition of the boat. With Boat Angel your boat does not need to work, your boat does not need a trailer to be eligible for donation.
Most of the boats are moved within 14-18 days of us getting the information back. The good news is you don’t have to give test rides, put in gas, pay for an additional year registration or take your boat to a repair shop like you would have to do to sell it. We try to make the donation process easy for you. Fill out our EZ-donation form and give our process a change to work for you.