A Note from Boat Angel Team Members:
There's nothing fun about saying goodbye to your boat. It's like sending someone off to college or watching one of your children get married and move away. The staff at Boat Angel would like to make the process as easy as possible and help you donate and dispose of your boat in a way that creates virtually no difficulty for the donor. If you have misplaced your Delaware Registration Card we can email the application to get a new one. It's only eight dollars. If you have documented the boat with the USCG we can help fill out the Coast Guard 1360 Bill of Sale to transfer the boat. If you have a valuable boat worth over $5000 we can find an appraiser for you that will fill out the correct 8283 form you can submit with your tax return.
People wonder how Boat Angel can process so many boats, they want to know our secret but it really is not a secret. We care about our programs we care about the donors who fund those programs with their donations. When you start the easy process we will send you the questionaire both by email and by mail along with a convenient return envelope if the tires are flat on the trailer is the boat is in a lift or on jack stands, these photos will show that and eliminate repetitive questions.
The IRS issues for 1098C for boats, we'll send you the ez version of that form and if you need to make a correction and place the receipt in the names of two parties we can easily make those changes. If you have inherited the boat, contact us so we can help you transfer based on your executor power and a copy of a death certificate. If your boat is at a marina don't worry our process does not take that long. In addition you will not be responsible for the haul out fee or loading fee. If it is a sailboat you will not be responsible for the demasting fee either. We will find someone to do that. You can trust Boat Angel with your boat donation to charity. Give us a call today or fill out the convenient online form. Our EIN number is 42-1619552. Donations Made to Boat Angel Outreach Center are tax deductible.